Dart Exception Handling: Best Practices

Are you tired of your Dart programs crashing unexpectedly? Do you want to learn how to handle exceptions like a pro? Look no further than this guide on Dart Exception Handling Best Practices!

What are Exceptions?

Before we dive into the best practices, let's first define what exceptions are. In Dart, an exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program that disrupts the normal flow of instructions. When an exception occurs, the program stops executing and jumps to a special block of code called an exception handler.

Why is Exception Handling Important?

Exception handling is important because it allows your program to gracefully handle errors and prevent crashes. Without proper exception handling, your program could crash unexpectedly, leaving your users frustrated and potentially causing data loss.

Best Practices for Exception Handling in Dart

Now that we understand the importance of exception handling, let's dive into the best practices for handling exceptions in Dart.

1. Use try-catch Blocks

The most basic way to handle exceptions in Dart is to use try-catch blocks. A try block contains the code that might throw an exception, while a catch block contains the code that handles the exception.

try {
  // code that might throw an exception
} catch (e) {
  // code that handles the exception

In the catch block, you can access the exception object using the e variable. This object contains information about the exception, such as its type and message.

2. Catch Specific Exceptions

While catching all exceptions using a generic catch block is better than not handling exceptions at all, it's best practice to catch specific exceptions. This allows you to handle different types of exceptions differently.

try {
  // code that might throw an exception
} on ExceptionType1 catch (e) {
  // code that handles ExceptionType1
} on ExceptionType2 catch (e) {
  // code that handles ExceptionType2
} catch (e) {
  // code that handles all other exceptions

In this example, we catch ExceptionType1 and ExceptionType2 specifically, and handle all other exceptions using a generic catch block.

3. Rethrow Exceptions

Sometimes, you may want to catch an exception, perform some additional processing, and then rethrow the exception. This can be done using the rethrow keyword.

try {
  // code that might throw an exception
} catch (e) {
  // code that handles the exception

In this example, we catch the exception, perform some additional processing, and then rethrow the exception using the rethrow keyword.

4. Use Finally Blocks

Finally blocks are used to execute code regardless of whether an exception was thrown or not. This is useful for cleaning up resources, such as closing files or database connections.

try {
  // code that might throw an exception
} catch (e) {
  // code that handles the exception
} finally {
  // code that always executes

In this example, the code in the finally block will always execute, regardless of whether an exception was thrown or not.

5. Use the on Keyword

The on keyword can be used to catch exceptions based on their type. This is useful when you want to catch exceptions that are subclasses of a particular type.

try {
  // code that might throw an exception
} on ExceptionType catch (e) {
  // code that handles ExceptionType and its subclasses

In this example, we catch ExceptionType and its subclasses specifically.

6. Use try-catch Blocks Sparingly

While try-catch blocks are useful for handling exceptions, they should be used sparingly. This is because try-catch blocks can have a negative impact on performance.

7. Document Exceptions

When writing functions or methods that can throw exceptions, it's important to document the exceptions that can be thrown. This helps other developers understand how to handle exceptions that may be thrown by your code.

/// Throws an [ExceptionType1] if the input is invalid.
/// Throws an [ExceptionType2] if the input is null.
void myFunction(String input) {
  // code that might throw an exception

In this example, we document the exceptions that can be thrown by myFunction.


Exception handling is an important aspect of programming in Dart. By following these best practices, you can write code that gracefully handles errors and prevents crashes. Remember to use try-catch blocks sparingly, catch specific exceptions, and document the exceptions that can be thrown by your code. Happy coding!

Additional Resources

flutterwidgets.com - A site for learning the flutter mobile application framework and dart
cloudtemplates.dev - A site for cloud templates to rebuild common connected cloud infrastructure components, related to terraform, pulumi
defimarket.dev - the defi crypto space
hybridcloud.video - hybrid cloud development, multicloud development, on-prem and cloud distributed programming
mlbot.dev - machine learning bots and chat bots, and their applications
learngo.page - learning go
newfriends.app - making new friends online
jupyter.app - cloud notebooks using jupyter, best practices, python data science and machine learning
devsecops.review - A site reviewing different devops features
beststrategy.games - A list of the best strategy games across different platforms
ecmascript.rocks - ecmascript, the formal name for javascript, typescript
javafx.app - java fx desktop development
rust.guide - programming the rust programming language, and everything related to the software development lifecyle in rust
cloudmonitoring.app - software and application telemetry, uptime monitoring, high durability, distributed systems management
dapps.business - distributed crypto apps
mlethics.dev - machine learning ethics
openmodels.dev - open source image and language models
techsummit.app - technology summits
opsbook.dev - cloud operations and deployment
modelshop.dev - buying and selling machine learning models and weights

Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD (haskellr@mit.edu). Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed